Get Involved

We want to keep the community in touch with progress.With your permission we can send you news and information directly. Please click the button below to subscribe, it takes less than 60 seconds.

EcoNet is a registered charity. Donations over $5 are tax-deductible with our receipt. You can direct credit our account at 389022 0163872 00.

What do you want to see in CAMS? what are your concerns about data? What have we missed? We are all about collaboration so are happy to hear from you.
Is there some person or organisation you’d like us to speak to on your behalf? Let us know.

Hall of Fame
Acknowledging some awesome people who have donated their time and skills:
- Anusha Biswas,
- Mary Anne Plan,
- Everaldo Moreira,
- Olivia Rothwell,
- Amy Thorburn,
Special thanks
- Jennifer Watson – graphic design
- Russell Brown – website design

Donations allow EcoNet to progress its development pathway. Funding our licencing costs will also allow a more rapid roll out of our tools to conservation networks.
EcoNet is a registered charity. Donations over $5 are tax-deductible with our receipt.
Use the secure online portal below and we will email your receipt (we pay a commission on donations)
You can also direct credit our account at 389022 0163872 00 and email for a receipt

Talk to us
- Let us know your thoughts
- What do you want to see in CAMS?
- What are your concerns?
- What have we missed?
- How can you support EcoNet financially?
We have volunteer roles in –
- Weed app user support
- Fundraising
- Funding applications and reporting
- ArcGIS Hub and apps